Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is QR Your Code for Success?

QR Codes are a simple way for your customers to connect with your business
Try the QR Code Above & Visit Terrapin's Website!
QR codes are a convenient and simple way for customers to connect with your business. For your customers, typing your website URL is like a long walk between printed collateral and the mobile web; QR offers them a ride.

Does QR Technology Fit Your Business?

Does QR Technology Fit Your Business?
For your company to enjoy the many benefits of the quick response code, there are a few requirements:
  •  Are you actively marketing your company?
  •  Does your company have an updateable website?
If you answered yes and yes, you’re in business. QR codes can be easily integrated with your existing marketing strategies. Think of your marketing campaign’s destination as a room with multiple entryways; QR codes are one of these doors.

The Web's Skeleton Key

The Web’s Skeleton Key
So what “rooms” can QR codes open when scanned by a smartphone? Any you’d like customers to find. QR codes can access anything with a web address:
  • Targeted site pages
  • Newsletter signup or special offers
  • Social media pages

Applications for All Industries

Applications for All Industries
Any printed marketing piece such as a display, flier or sign is prime real estate for your QR codes.

Grocery store point-of-sale receipts are perfect for informing customers of upcoming sales or providing “your next purchase” coupons. The customer scans the QR code after putting their purchase away in the fridge or cupboard to see where they can save next time.

Store signage codes can declare the day’s specials and point the way. “Save $1 on Store Brand Cereals! Just head to aisle 7!”  Storefront displays can be scanned for a similar “Come inside for…! “ message.

For retail businesses, product tags and packaging can have codes that bring up customer review forums or similar product suggestions.

Codes placed on brochures, mailings and business cards can reveal your manufacturing or contracting company’s most pertinent information, key benefits and unique services and selling points.

Start by asking yourself; What kinds of focused content do we want to push?” Then take a look around your store, office or at your print pieces to determine your code’s placement. Start with a basic strategy and up the creativity as you go.

Scanning a Win-Win Strategy

Scanning a Win-Win Strategy
QR codes let you control where the customer goes, conveying your exact desired message. This powerful square of pixels comes with a long list of benefits:
  • Create QR codes for little or no cost
  • Widen your marketing net to the increasing number of tech-savvy customers
  • Print marketing can offer limited space; QR codes direct customers to your readily available, more detailed website
  • QR-coded collateral can allow customers and networking partners to save your phone number to smartphones or email with no typing
  • Determine your successful products or offers with code scan tracking
  • The customer feels appreciated, like you took extra steps to save them a few of their own
On the flipside, your customer gets the convenience of skipping a backslash-heavy URL typing session. A direct line to more detailed mobile content is provided, as are coupons or an inside track to sales and specials. QR codes benefit everyone involved.

Some Must-Remember QR Essentials

Some Must-Remember QR Essentials
  • Include a direct link with the code for the QR uninitiated
  • Include a concise, one sentence description/pitch
  • Ensure the code is big enough to get attention and is placed where customers can scan on the go, at their convenience or while waiting

Quick Response, Quick Connections

Quick Response, Quick Connections
You’re always thinking of new ways to connect with your current customers and new prospects. Bringing new and familiar faces through the door of your business is what QR codes are all about.

QR codes open up a fresh dialogue, resulting in customer excitement and loyalty, added revenue and an effective tool in your marketing belt.