Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Importance of Print Design in Marketing

The Importance of Print Design in Marketing

While some may deem print design as outdated in comparison to web design, Terrapin Art & Design views print design as even more exciting. Print design offers many marketing opportunities that web design cannot compete with. Despite the fact that most customers will turn to a company’s website first, no website can replicate the effect of holding an actual object printed with information about a company’s products and services. Print design is often overlooked because it uses materials that blend in with our daily lives, but contrary to popular belief, print design cannot be replaced by web design. 

Print Design vs. Web Design

Print Design vs. Web Design 
Because print design and web design both involve computer generated text and images, they must be the same, right? Wrong. Print design refers to the creation of many elements of our daily lives that may even go unnoticed, such as magazine ads, posters, album covers, and t-shirts. Print design usually involves a few basic components: images, text, layout, symbols, and logos. A good graphic designer will use these elements to create a simple message that informs but does not overwhelm the reader. 

Why Do You Need Print Design?

Why Do You Need Print Design? 
  • Reaching Your Target Audience: Yes, a good website is the best way to reach most target audiences. However, utilizing print design along with your website will allow you to reach a broader audience. In addition, many elements of print design are important parts of attracting new clients, such as brochures and print advertisements.
  • Branding Goes Beyond a Logo: Every company needs a logo, but successful branding goes beyond a simple logo. Both your logo and your website’s fonts, colors, and general layout should coordinate with your printed materials. Presenting a united brand shows customers that your business is professional, and also creates name recognition. 
  • Layout is Crucial: We cannot stress the importance of good layout enough. If customers do not understand your layout, the entire message that you are trying to send could be lost. A good graphic designer has the knowledge and experience to structure a layout that will reach customers and bring in business.

Why You Shouldn’t Just DIY

Why You Shouldn’t Just DIY 
Many business believe that they can simply take a “do-it-yourself” approach to print design. After all, how difficult could it be to type up information about your company and format it nicely? There are many reasons why having an experienced graphic designer on your team is an invaluable resource. 
  • Experience: The most important benefit of hiring a graphic designer is that they have experience. Not only does a graphic designer possess technical skills, but he or she also has industry-based knowledge about what works, and what does not work.
  • Details: With print design, it all comes down to details. Successful graphic design will allow your company’s information to stand out while still blending in. Sound confusing? Consider the marketing strategies of successful brands. They engage their potential customers without overpowering them, which is a strategy that visually pleases their audience and attracts new clients.
  •  Logo: While branding is more than just a good logo, a logo is very important to begin any successful marketing campaign. Graphic designers are trained to create logos that will lead to brand recognition. This logo should appear on all materials: website, business cards, brochures, advertisements, etc. Your logo will unite any materials connected to your company and send the message that your business is professional and reputable.

Choosing Terrapin Art & Design

Choosing Terrapin Art & Design 
Terrapin Art & Design has much to offer potential clients when it comes to both web design and print design. Not only will we create a logo for your business, but we also offer services to coordinate your website and print materials. We can assist with a number of print material campaigns, such as direct mail, display ads, sell sheets, sales presentation kits, newsletters, brochures, flyers, billboards, signs, and vehicle graphics. Our team can bring your business to life with a consistent design for your marketing campaign.